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Oh No! Another Person Gets Pushed On NYC Subway Tracks & Dies

If I Had A Gun, I Would Blow My Motherf*ckin' Brains Out! by Russell Simmons

Everyday life news around the wicked world....

District Life News

My father was an amazing man. He was a poet, an activist and ultimately became a professor of black history. He taught us so many things, inspired my brothers and I, and made us laugh all the time. But, one of the things that wasn't that funny was when he would argue with my mother. Over the years, my brother Rev. Run and I, reminisce about one time when he was fighting with my mother and he said (I guess he was half-joking, but I am not sure) "If I had a gun, I would blow my motherf*ckin' brains out!" Thank God he didn't have access to a gun, because who knows what would have happened. 

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for one of the "good guys" who lost his life just a few months ago to the bullet of a gun. My longtime friend, Chris Lighty, in a moment of rage, shot himself in the head and died, leaving behind his beautiful children to grow up without their father. I just had spoken with him the night before and heard nothing in his voice that would indicate that he would take his own life just a few hours later. Another friend spoke to him just twenty minutes before his death and said he sounded good. If Chris didn't have access to that gun, we probably would not have lost one of the "good guys" to the bullet of a gun that early morning in the Bronx. Children would still have their father. And friends and family would not have been left without their loved one.

We have lost a lot of "good guys" to gun violence over the years. In fact, the majority of deaths by guns are suicides, almost 55 percent, all of whom are "good guys." Although most gun owners reportedly keep a firearm in their home for "protection" or "self defense," 83 percent of gun-related deaths in these homes are the result of a suicide, often by someone other than the gun owner. Over the past few decades, we've lost too many of the "good guys" to guns... the veterans, the police officers, the teachers, the pastors, the children...and so many more.

So, let us not believe that we can put out this blazing fire that is raging across our nation by adding more fire. That simply is not a solution to the violence, whether it be a suicide or a homicide. Let us not try to figure out who are "good guys" or who are the "bad guys," but rather focus on how we get guns out of the hands of anyone who might do harm. It is surely a complicated set of programs and laws we have to implement to protect the American people from each other or themselves, but I am confident that we are up to the task. When you feel the pain that remains in the hearts of those who have lost their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, nieces, nephews, cousins, sons, daughters and lifetime friends to the tragic ending of a gunshot, your only choice is to turn your prayers into action.

~Russell Simmons


The victim who was pushed in front of an oncoming 7 train in Queens, New York has been identified as Sunado Sen.

Officials say that Sen was from Calcutta, India and had recently opened a business in New York. He was not married.

This story is developing.

SOURCE: Huffington Post



In an incident reminiscent of last month's subway shove that killed a Queens father of two, a woman pushed a stranger onto the NYC subway tracks, where he was killed by an oncoming train.

DETAILS: Make Them Come Indict Me! Subway-Pusher Charged With Murder

The victim was waiting at the elevated 40th Street Station on the 7 Line in Queens, authorities say. The woman, described as 5-foot-5, Hispanic, weighing about 190 pounds and between 20 and 25 years old, shoved the man and immediately fled the scene. Witnesses say she also has short, dark, curly hair.

“This lady, she just pushed the guy on the tracks. Then she ran away. I was screaming and closing my eyes,” said witness Tenzing Tegeng, 21, one of five people on the platform.

“I could see him, and I could see a train coming. And I couldn’t do anything. I was so helpless. He was trying to get up. It was so fast,” she said.

Law enforcement sources said the lady said nothing as she pushed the man on the tracks. It is unclear whether she had any connection with the victim, or if they had interacted before. Police might be able to identify him from his wallet and laptop, which were found at the scene.

“He looked shocked. He didn’t scream,” Tegeng said.

The suspect was said to be acting strange before the incident, mumbling to herself on a bench and pacing the platform. After she pushed the victim, she fled down the stairs to Queens Boulevard.

DETAILS: The Blame Game: NYC Suspect In Subway Death Says It Was Victim's Fault 

Police have not apprehended the suspect as of yet.

Makes you scared to even ride the subway anymore! These senseless acts have to stop.


Heartbreaking news is coming out of the Ivory Coast this morning as it was reported that 60 people were crushed to death following a stampede that took place at a fireworks display. The 60 dead included 26 children, 28 women and six men.

VIDEO: MADNESS! Black Friday Stampede At Urban Outfitters!

The stampede took place near Felix Houphouet Boigny Stadium where crowds had gathered to watch fireworks and according to reports by Reuters, one of the injured said the stampede began when security forces arrived to break up the crowd, triggering a mass rush and panic causing many to fall over and be trampled to death. 

STORY: Rihanna Stirs Up Trouble While Landing In The Ivory Coast With Breezy

As reported by Reuters

"The provisional death toll is 60 and there are 49 injured," Interior Minister Hamed Bakayoko said in a statement broadcast on national television. 

President Alassane Ouattara, visiting injured people at the hospital, called the incident a national tragedy and said an investigation was underway to determine what happened.

A Reuters correspondent said blood stains and abandoned shoes littered the scene outside the stadium on Tuesday morning. 

The Ivory Coast, known officially the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, is located on the coast of West Africa struggling to overcome from hardships brought upon them by civil war in 2011. This is the most deadly stampede the country has ever seen. 

Please keep the people of the Ivory Coast in your prayers. 

SOURCE: Reuters | Photo Credit: News168

The holiday season is almost over and we here at Red Light District got exactly what we wanted: President Obama's second term.

DETAILS: Work Work Work! Obama Leaves Hawaii Early To Keep Us Off Fiscal Cliff 

It wasn't easy. There were some bumps along the way and even some frightening moments when it seemed like the people wouldn't pull through. But in retrospect, the win isn't surprising.

Obama had one hell of a year. And we're not even counting the re-election. Well, we are...but there were some moments in his presidency this year that spoke directly to his commitment to this nation, his decency and relatability, his compassion and his work ethic.

They were heartbreaking.

12. Supporting American Athleticism This Summer:

President Barack Obama couldn't be at the Olympics with his wife Michelle Obama, but he still sent his support and love for America. Here, he meets with The Fierce Five – Gabby Douglas, McKayla Maroney, Kyla Ross, Aly Raisman, and Jordyn Wieber – after they claimed the gold at this summer's London Games.

11. Honoring Our Veterans:

The President does this every year and 2012 was no exception. But his pledge to end the Afghanistan war and his continued support for military personnel and family is stronger than ever. It might have been his fourth time laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, but it was the first time he was able to say: "This is the first Veterans Day in a decade in which there are no American troops fighting and dying in Iraq." Touche.

10. Second Debate Scolding:

Don't call it a comeback! After critics said Obama was a little too subdued for bully Mitt Romney, he came back in the second round of debates ready to battle. He blocked Romney's attempts to cut him off. He debunked his lies. And at some points, the two were so close that you thought they were about to square off. But the bossiest moment of the debate was when Obama told Romney to "Check the transcript" regarding his remarks after Benghazi. And maybe it was that which made Tagg Romney, son of Mitt, say that he wanted to "take a swing" at Obama. Easy boy. Don't be mad your dad just got served.

9. Supporting Aurora After Massacre:

There seemed to be no shortage of Obama's support during the time of despair in Aurora, Colorado after James Holmes opened fire on a movie theater in July 2012. He focused on the recovery, bravery, and lives of those involved, not that of the killer. And as always, he approached the situation "as a father," and not as a politician. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be the last time this year he had to do that

8. Democracy In Egypt:

In light of the violence and protests that stemmed from Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's rule, Obama called him to stress the nation's support for the Egyptian people and to denounce the violence. With the tension still raging, Obama is keeping an eye out and urging Egyptian leaders "across the political spectrum to put aside their differences and come together to agree on a path that will move Eg

7. Sending Hillary Clinton To The Middle East:

In November, Obama announced he would send Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Middle East to help contain the bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas. It was the most forceful action the Obama administration has taken promote peace in the Middle East.

6. Hurricane Sandy:

Obama was on the ground within a day of the destructive hurricane and in the most touching of moments, he and governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, put aside their differences to mend the broken communities.

5. Gun Task Force

In the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings, Obama assigned Vice President Joe Biden to head the gun task force to fight gun-control regulations. In the first step the President has taken to reform gun laws, he urged the task force to submit concrete proposals by the beginning of January.

4. Avoiding Fiscal Cliff

Obama ended his annual Hawaii vacation and urged Congress to do the same to avoid falling off the fiscal cliff: automatic budget cuts and tax increases that are set to begin in January. He plays zero games

3. Hugging On The Campaign Trail:

His undying love for his wife made this photo the most tweeted picture ever. Like. Ever.

2. Obama's Re-Election:

Nuff said.

1. Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting:

Some may argue that this moment alone sparked the gun-control crackdown that is set to start in the new year, but whether it did or not, we seen Obama in a light we have never seen him in before. He approached the grieving community of Newtown as a father...and a mourner. And he wasn't afraid to show his compassion and concern.

Now that may be the defining moment of his presidency this year. And though all of these moments were powerful, we think this one takes the cake.

You rocked in 2012, President Obama! 

Stop The Gun Violence! Less Than 12 Hours Into The New Year, Dozens Are Shot

Presidency Legecy: 12 Unforgettable Obama Moments Of 2012!

We Pray! 60 Crushed To Death In NYE Ivory Coast Stampede Including 26 Children

The New Year is meant for new beginnings and new chances, but some didn't get the opportunity to see more than a few hours of 2013 before being shot. 

Chicago gun violence raged through the night as at least 9 people, including two teenagers, were shot in the Windy City, while New York City was a close runner up following the ball drop with 7 people shot. 

STORY:Sybrina Fulton Speaks On Holidays, Newtown Shooting & Justice for Trayvon

Chicago's first victim was a 29-year-old man shot in the mouth and shoulder after a fight broke out at a bar on the West Side just an hour and change into the New Year at 1:15am and the violence continued on. 

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, the next victim was at about 2 a.m. when a 22-year-old man was shot in both legs and the scrotum during a fight at a house party. 

2:40 a.m., a man was shot in the stomach and brought himself to the emergency room, 

2:40 a.m., a 17-year-old boy was shot in the arm

2:45 a.m., a 20-year-old man was shot while he was on the front porch of a home

3:50 a.m., a teenage girl and a man were shot outside in Fuller Park. The 17-year-old girl was shot in the leg and the 30-year-old man was shot in the back.

6:10 a.m., a man was in “grave” condition and a woman was critically injured in a shooting. A 28-year-old man was shot in the head and chest and a 20-year-old woman was shot in the face and back. 

STORY: Teachers Being Trained To Use Guns In Response To Newtown Shooting

Meanwhile in New York City, The Daily News reports the first shooting victim of 2013 was hit in the stomach on White Plains Rd. near Seward Ave. in the Bronx about 2 a.m. Just moments later a 19-year-old man was shot in the back on Irving Ave. in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

The rest of the shootings took place in Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. All the victims are expected to live.

If this isn't proof that a conversation about gun control is urgently imminent in 2013, then we don't know what is. 

SOURCE: The Daily News | Chicago Sun-Times

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